Bad weather aborts first swim

Bad weather aborts first swim

Bad weather aborts first swim I have just arrived back in England after a torturous 10 days in Ireland waiting to swim to Scotland. The swim never got to take place as the weather was terrible every single day. By terrible I mean 12 ft waves and 30mph winds every day...
The Countdown to the North Channel

The Countdown to the North Channel

The Countdown to the North Channel It is now just 2 weeks before my swim window opens on August 18th and I am getting a little nervous to say the least. As the weather is so unpredictable for any channel swim, a swimmer always books a 5 or 6 day window of opportunity...
The Dangers of Overtraining

The Dangers of Overtraining

The Dangers of Overtraining My North Channel Swim is getting increasingly closer and I am starting to get a little bit stressed out about it! Have I trained hard enough? Probably not. Have I partied too much? Probably so. I am however confident that I have done enough...
Extreme Acclimatisation and my 6 Hour Qualifying swim

Extreme Acclimatisation and my 6 Hour Qualifying swim

Extreme Acclimatisation and my 6 Hour Qualifying swim With just 5 months to go until I swim between Ireland and Scotland it is time to start acclimatisation work! I loath acclimatisation with a passion. I can swim huge distances forever but hate that initial shock to...
From Fit to Fat to Fit again!

From Fit to Fat to Fit again!

From Fit to Fat to Fit again! With six months to go until my North Channel Swim between Ireland and Scotland I am starting to up the training level and intensity considerably!   Unlike many other extreme long distance swimmers I prefer not to waste my days plodding up...