Ed is an accomplished public speaker and regularly performs at corporate and charity events as an after dinner speaker.
His talks are tailored to the individual event and chronicle the many adventures he has had in the world’s oceans by swimming. Passion and humour combine to deliver a memorable end to an evening.
From an event organiser’s perspective Ed Williams is the perfect speaker. He took time to find out about the audience of business owners and tailored his talk to their interests and needs. They were entertained, challenged and inspired and came away with plans to use what they’d learned in their own businesses. From a personal point of view, Ed’s talk was fresh and authentic and gave me, with a long established business, plenty to think about.
Anne Hawkins
Business Advisor, The Inspired Group
Ed’s presentation at The Inspired Group was a perfect insight into how sheer determination, hard graft and an open minded approach can lead to extraordinary achievements. The pitch was perfectly delivered and felt honest, relevant, engaging and personable. I took a huge amount of inspiration and focus from Ed’s talk and would highly recommend him to any business networking event whatever the industry focus.
Ed Goodman
Business Advisor, Cambridge Business Lounge
Ed’s passion for his topic, his no-nonsense and enthusiastic approach were inspirational. On the really tough challenges, as I build my business, he inspired me to think less about swimming a virtual English Channel but ”keep swimming to the next hot chocolate” – even in shark-infested waters!
Hugh Massam
Principal Consultant, Energy Communications
Ed Williams is an inspirational and energising speaker. His ‘story so far’ offers a real insight into what it takes to make your mark, not just in business, but in others’ lives, too. When Ed speaks, it is clear he does so from the heart. If you are looking to really impact on your audience and open their eyes to what might be possible in their own future, he is your man.
Desiree Ashton
Virtual PA