Ed tours schools across the region every week to speak with the children about the importance of having a dream and doing everything it takes to achieve it.
The big theme he bases these assemblies around is his solo English Channel Swim and recent completion of the North Channel between Ireland and Scotland. There is a heavy focus on the importance of trying hard and having the determination to succeed which leaves the children inspired and captivated.
Ed’s presentations are very interactive and always start with a short film of his English Channel Swim.
The floor is then opened up for questions from the students to learn about the challenges and variables which make swimming the English Channel one of the ultimate personal challenges and how the children can take those teachings into their school work.
Talks to schools are FREE of charge and we only ask that in return schools send a leaflet home with each child about Elite Swimming Academy swimming lessons or alternatively an email to parents with a link to the ESA website.
We all found your Channel Swim talk hugely inspiring – what a goal and what an achievement! It was a wonderful coincidence you chose to tell the girls that the purpose of talking to them was to work towards their goal/dream, given that we are currently thinking about how to nurture the learning characteristic of ‘direction’. The video footage of your swim is really powerful but having you there to introduce it and then to answer questions made it unforgettable. My colleagues and I were particularly struck by your professional handling of the girls’ questions – thank you.
Katie Milne
Head of Junior School, The Stephen Purse Foundation, Cambridge
Ed is a very inspirational and motivating speaker and the children were spellbound when he talked about his dream at primary school to swim the channel. The assembly was delivered in a very professional manner with excellent timing and pace. The children listened attentively throughout the entire assembly.
Mrs Whyte
Head Teacher, Bar Hill Primary School, Cambs
Ed’s message of not giving up even when times get hard is a possible prize giving speech! I thought he was very good. Personable, keen and with an easy to grasp message which really inspired the children.
Mrs Charlotte Avery
Head Teacher, St Mary’s School – Cambridge
Ed’s account of his cross channel swim both fascinated and inspired the children at Newnham Croft Primary school. The children asked lots of interesting questions and one year 5 girl said it was the most inspiring thing she had ever heard! Ed’s message of work hard and you can achieve your goals reinforced our school ethos.
Mrs Sharon Williams
Head Teacher, Newnham Croft Primary – Cambridge